MetaKnightSonic's Website

Welcome to my website

look at my crappy youtube channel

Stuff i like to do

Animation Tests

Here's the unfinished sonic animation

Might not finish it but there's some progross

Here's a Wind animation test

Simple nice wind animation test

Here's the DSi Kirby animation

Pretty proud of this one actually! (not that im not proud of the other ones!) Im actually planing on remaking this and finishing it as well!


" Drawings!"

Here are some of my recent drawings!


May 8th 2024

So I was on PictoChat last night and I was talking with 2 other people. Some guy named "SegaSaturn" and another guy named "Joemama" (i think)

and this Joemama guy (ig we were talkin about websites or somethin, idk. heh it happend just last night and yet i don't even remember) told me about a site

called Neocities, and i was thinkin like, whats that some Neopets community site? And then he started telling me how it was a site you could make

your own free sites with. So I searched it up and started the tutorial but never went through with it...until...TODAY! So I started coding, learned a small

amount of CSS and here we are! here's my site! not much else here but more content will come out throughout the next few days, hope you like it!

May 9th 2024

Hi i'm back! okay here's a little story! I did a premirere for an animation last night right? okay, No one showed up to the premirere

but when i woke up this morning a noticed the video had 50 VIEWS!!! thats the most any of my vids has! oh and i have 3 SUBS! i know you think that isn't many

but idc because I THINK IT IS...whatever nothing too crazy just somethin I thought was nice! welp that's all for now. UPDATE!!,

UPDATE!! alright i went to the dentist and i just got back APPARENTLY THE VIDEO HAS OVER 100 VIEWS NOW?!!??! thx so much you guys! thats the most any of my vids has gotten

thinking about remaking the kirby animation and finishing it, however, i won't do it if no one wants it so... might do a poll on youtube

even tho i know no one will vote lol.

Update at 9:06 pm lol, bit tired (more than a bit...haha) my younger cousin is kinda annoying me, (its fine he's like, 5 so I understand his imagination) but it's fine.

Might get on PictoChat but that doesn't really matter. Well goodnight! update more tomorrow!

May 10th 2024

So I thought today was gonna be a busy day, (I mean it still is but...) So today i was supposed to have an

eye doctor's appointment but now its for next friday or saturday, so gotta go to that. Well that's all for now!

May 11th 2024

I know that im not updating this ON the 11th. if you're wondering WHY well I just got really tired, so here's a summary of stuff i wanted to say yesterday.

1.Im stupid, turns out the 10th was rehearsal NOT the performance itself, the 11th was

2.It was kinda hard playing outside, but we did it pretty well

AND thats pretty much it, nothing else to say about yesterday.

May 12th 2024

Not much to say about today rn, gotta do some leftover school work, might get on picto chat later idk.

SOMETHING THAT IS OF NOTE THOUGH, I just started and beat Parappa 2 for the first time! It was pretty fun!

if you're wondering what i think about music from the game, all i gotta say is ITS PRETTY CATCHY

idc if half of all the songs lyric's consist of "Chop Kick Block!" its still a great

and if some of the songs lyrics bother you, then look up the instermentals! THEY'RE CATCHY AS HELL

if wondering which is my favorite it's the "Hair Scare" instermental

thats all for now! might edit later ;)

May 13th 2024

alright for the next few days i'm gonna try to turn this into less of a daily thing, because i know there will be days i will have nothing interesting to say.

May 14th 2024

Hi trying to update more! luckily i've got some stuff to say!

So i've been doing school work hanging around...playing cookie clicker (in fact i have cookie clicker running in the background as i type this, lol).

Oh, and another thing! i'm using a different laptop to type this. there's actually a bit of an important reason,

it's because the laptop i was using (my sisters laptop) has been making this concerning noise recently (I think it's been doing it since before i made the site)

but, there was a difference between every other time it happended and today... today it didn't stop making the noise.

(and if you're wondering, yes, we do plan on getting the laptop checked out) So yeah i have to use a different computer, don't worry! i'm sure it's fine tho

i'm all good and im sure the computer is too! well thats all for now, cya!

May 15th 2024

Hi!!! Updating this lil bit late haha. i mean i say that but its only like 5:18 pm when i'm typing this. I tired Papa john's for the first time last night!

(me and my family usually get dominos, or just make those forzen oven pizzas) And was, imo, equal to dominos. it didn't taste better, it didn't taste

worse, so i count that as a tie. in other news i've been trying to get into klonoa since yesterday after i got reminded of his existence (lol) i got the demo for

the Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series on my switch like, 2 years ago maybe? i think its on that playstation subsciption thing? (i have it, in fact thats how i got A Hat In Time!)

Tried the demo again last night, i actually really liked it, so ig im gonna try and get it and see if its fun! im not going into it completely blind but...i dont know too

much so I should be fine. (Heard the first games got a sad ending so can't wait for that lol)

May 16th 2024

Nothing here

May 21st 2024

It's been a bit hasn't it? Well all that happend was the power went out, started a playthrough of sly cooper and i beat the first world and started the 2nd one! Good game so far!

Nothing else to say thats pretty much it! thats all for now! ;)

May 23rd 2024

Alright here we go

1.I know the TTYD remake came out today, yes im getting it just, not today

2.Idk WHY THE HELL I SAID I only STARTED the 2 world in sly 1. I had already beat it by the time i wrote that

Thats it nothing else, you can go about your day now! :)

June 3rd 2024

I'VE RETURNED FROM THE DEAD! tomorrow is my bday :D "I Hope She Made Lots A Spaghetti!" i'm (Hopfully) getting the TTYD remake tomorrow!! :D

July 5th 2024

HELLO! sorry i was gone, i know no one reads these but... in just wanted to pop in and say hi

sorry im on vacation in St. Croix right now but when im back i probably still won't be here so... eh whatever

Okay thats it bye!!!

Nothing here yet! will update in the future! ;)